Dear CloutHub Community,

With the assistance of some friends, I am writing with an urgent request. 
 Just before Christmas, I suffered a stroke. 
A wonderful team of friends and business people have jumped in to help me run the company as I recover, even to the extent of composing this message with me.

My mind is fully intact, but one side of my body is not functioning properly. 

As a proud businessman, I am humbled beyond words. As a man of faith, I am wholly reliant on God.

As you know, freedom is not free, and freedom of assembly is not guaranteed. 

I have personally funded and designed much of what CloutHub is today. 

At this very moment, CloutHub faces imminent disruption, and we need your help right now! 

As many of our incredible community hubs know, several years ago, I created CloutHub to provide what Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon would not – guaranteed freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. 

After millions of dollars and thousands of hours invested in CloutHub, we have a community of over 4 million people just like you.

More than any time in my life, we need your prayers and financial support to keep the CloutHub lights on while I recover. 

We cannot allow Big Tech and the Government to silence us again.

We need to raise $300,000 immediately to continue operations.

To make a donation, simply click here on DONATE HERE NOW

We are asking our community to give the equivalent of a couple of cups of coffee, around ten bucks, however, and if you are able, we only need three thousand $100 givers to reach our goal. ANYTHING, anything you give will make a difference!

I am resting peacefully upon the Lord to heal me and sustain CloutHub. 

I am praying that you will join us and be a part of this miracle! 

Thank you for your help.

Jeff Brain
Founder, CloutHub
Contributions to CloutHub are used to support our platform development and growth. These contributions are not Tax-Deductible.
By contributing to CloutHub you are helping the platform accelerate the development of a social network for people to engage in the meaningful civic, social and political issues, causes they care about.

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